Emile Voest

Emile Voest

Just one WGS test is enough to reveal everything you need to know to provide a patient with metastatic cancer with targeted treatment, be it a registered therapy or part of a research trial.

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Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital brings comprehensive DNA test closer for all cancer patients

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital brings comprehensive DNA test closer for all cancer patients


This year, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital  joined forces with Hartwig Medical Foundation to deploy the most comprehensive DNA test available …

Hartwig Medical Foundation adapts working method and continues work

Hartwig Medical Foundation adapts working method and continues work


In this uncertain time when we are trying to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, we have adapted our working …

Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 

Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 


Hartwig Medical Foundation has worked with The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Clinical Knowledgebase (CKB) team since 2020, to the benefit of …

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