
We collaborate with all relevant stakeholders and organizations and have established collaboration and data processing agreements for the (clinical) studies coordinated by CPCT Foundation, The Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and various other academic centers.

Collaboration with stakeholders 

We collaborate with all relevant stakeholders and organizations, including: 

  • oncologists, pulmonologists, pathologists, clinical geneticists and other practitioners 
  • patient representative bodies (Inspire2Live, NFK and NPF) 
  • professional associations (NVMO, NVALT, NVVP and VKGN) 
  • hospitals (Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Erasmus MC, LUMC, Maastricht UMC+, OLVG, Radboudumc and UMCG) 
  • umbrella organizations (NFU and NVZ) 
  • insurerance companies (CZ, VgZ, ZK and ZN) 
  • government (VWS, ZiNL and NZa) 
  • pharma (VIG and independent pharmacists) 
  • national registries (IKNL, DICA, PALGA and HealthRI) 
  • national research centers (CPCT Foundation and ONCODE) 
  • international research organizations (GA4GH, EUCANcan, EU 1+MG and GEL) 

We discuss the added value of conducting complete DNA tests using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for today’s and tomorrow’s patients with:

  • the cancer patient organizations NFK, Inspire2Live and the Dutch Cancer Society and the advisory bodies NZa, ZiNL and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport 
  • independent pharmacists 
  • the VIG, the association of innovative pharmaceutical companies that focus on research and development of new medicines.

We discuss the benefits of the complete DNA test and database for the learning healthcare system, as well as potential implementation strategies, with policy makers in the field of oncology. We also talk about the use and reimbursement of the complete DNA test with individual insurers and the Dutch association of insurers. 

We collaborate with the Genomenon in the use of their clinical knowledgebase (Cancer Knowledge Base). This is a dynamic digital resource for interpreting complex cancer genomic profiles. We consult the CKB for the therapy guidance in the patient report. 

Joint projects 

We collaborate with the CPCT Foundation in the CPCT-02 – end the PEGASUS study. In the DRUP –, WIDE – and GENAYA study we collaborate with the Netherlands Cancer Institute. In the GLOW study we collaborate with UMC Utrecht and Haaglanden Medical Center and in the OPTIC study we work with UMC Utrecht.  

These joint projects are governed by (clinical) study agreements. These agreements also contain data processing agreements that regulate the conditions for processing, storing and publishing patient data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. 

Hartwig Medical Foundation Australia 

We work closely with the software development team of Hartwig Medical Foundation Australia. This is an independent foundation under Australian law with the same mission as Hartwig Medical Foundation.  

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