Louisa Hoes

Louisa Hoes

Cancers will increasingly meet the definition of ‘rare’ in terms of the molecular profiles that make each tumor unique. The more research we can do into this, the better we will be able to offer patients personalized treatment in the future. Whole Genome Sequencing and studies like DRUP are making an important contribution to this.

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Complete DNA analysis for young adults with cancer

Complete DNA analysis for young adults with cancer


KWF finances the expansion of the infrastructure for cancer research in young adults with almost 4.5 million euros. These are …

In the media: Genomeweb: Partial reimbursement for comprehensive DNA test in the Netherlands

In the media: Genomeweb: Partial reimbursement for comprehensive DNA test in the Netherlands


This week, Genomeweb’s Precision Oncology News brought the news that the Dutch House of Representatives has recently unanimously decided to …

Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 

Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 


Hartwig Medical Foundation has worked with The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Clinical Knowledgebase (CKB) team since 2020, to the benefit of …

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