Miriam Koopman

Miriam Koopman

A complete genetic analysis should be part of the standard diagnostics for every patient with cancer who is eligible for treatment. WGS contributes to better, coordinated treatment advice. In this way, we reduce over- and under-treatment, while making healthcare more cost-effective and keeping it affordable.  

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GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma


The outlook for patients with glioblastoma has been unfavorable for years, and treatment options remain limited. That is a reason …

GenomeWeb: ‘Dutch Team Looks to Drug Repurposing to Improve Patient Outcomes, Lower Costs’

GenomeWeb: ‘Dutch Team Looks to Drug Repurposing to Improve Patient Outcomes, Lower Costs’


The project is an attempt to address the rising healthcare costs associated with new cancer drugs and to identify biomarkers …

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital brings comprehensive DNA test closer for all cancer patients

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital brings comprehensive DNA test closer for all cancer patients


This year, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital  joined forces with Hartwig Medical Foundation to deploy the most comprehensive DNA test available …

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