Miriam Koopman

Miriam Koopman

A complete genetic analysis should be part of the standard diagnostics for every patient with cancer who is eligible for treatment. WGS contributes to better, coordinated treatment advice. In this way, we reduce over- and under-treatment, while making healthcare more cost-effective and keeping it affordable.  

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Unraveling of genetic mechanism behind tumor formation may improve targeted treatment for cancer patients

Unraveling of genetic mechanism behind tumor formation may improve targeted treatment for cancer patients


Genetic alterations in the FGFR2 gene occur in various cancer types and represent a promising target for therapies. However, clinical …

Nature publication: High resolution DNA-image of metastatic tumor provides new treatment insights

Nature publication: High resolution DNA-image of metastatic tumor provides new treatment insights


For the first time, Dutch researchers have created a detailed overview of the landscape of DNA-deviations in thousands of metastatic …

Screening for T cells that already fight the tumor: Hartwig’s pipeline in practice 

Screening for T cells that already fight the tumor: Hartwig’s pipeline in practice 


By Laura Nederveen   In the search for more effective cancer treatments, Alena Gros and her team at Vall d’Hebron Institute …

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