Peter Holleman

Peter Holleman

The complete DNA test allows for personalized treatment and so limits the chance of undesirable side effects.

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Nature publication: High resolution DNA-image of metastatic tumor provides new treatment insights

Nature publication: High resolution DNA-image of metastatic tumor provides new treatment insights


For the first time, Dutch researchers have created a detailed overview of the landscape of DNA-deviations in thousands of metastatic …

22 impactful scientific publications in  2022 

22 impactful scientific publications in 2022 


In 2022, research groups from all over the world published 22 scientific papers in which data from the Hartwig Medical …

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction


Imagine a world in which each person’s cancer is treated with a personalised, targeted medical treatment regimen. A world in …

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