Carla van Herpen

Carla van Herpen

It is important to unravel the DNA in rare types of cancer; 21% of patients with cancer have a rare form.

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Collaboration for future-proof diagnostics and to accelerate research  

Collaboration for future-proof diagnostics and to accelerate research  


Complete analysis of the DNA of children with cancer offers many possibilities. It maps out all possible targeted treatment options …

Unique insights in the differences between primary and metastatic cancer by large-scale DNA data analyses   

Unique insights in the differences between primary and metastatic cancer by large-scale DNA data analyses   


Researchers have obtained valuable insights into the development of tumors from a unique Dutch data collection. These insights provide relevant …

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma


The outlook for patients with glioblastoma has been unfavorable for years, and treatment options remain limited. That is a reason …

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