Breast cancer awareness month 

Breast cancer awareness month 


October is the international breast cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer, and the …

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma


The outlook for patients with glioblastoma has been unfavorable for years, and treatment options remain limited. That is a reason …

Unique insights in the differences between primary and metastatic cancer by large-scale DNA data analyses   

Unique insights in the differences between primary and metastatic cancer by large-scale DNA data analyses   


Researchers have obtained valuable insights into the development of tumors from a unique Dutch data collection. These insights provide relevant …

Unraveling of genetic mechanism behind tumor formation may improve targeted treatment for cancer patients

Unraveling of genetic mechanism behind tumor formation may improve targeted treatment for cancer patients


Genetic alterations in the FGFR2 gene occur in various cancer types and represent a promising target for therapies. However, clinical …

Measuring the effects of radiotherapy on cancer may open up avenues for treatment

Measuring the effects of radiotherapy on cancer may open up avenues for treatment


Radiotherapy works by damaging the DNA of cancer cells. It’s an effective strategy overall, but many cancers have subsets of …

Take a virtual tour of our laboratory: from the biopsy to the patient report

Take a virtual tour of our laboratory: from the biopsy to the patient report


What happens to your tumor tissue and blood during a comprehensive DNA test? What exactly does all the complex equipment …

SAGE: New algorithm for analysis of tumor DNA reveals mutations previously not found

SAGE: New algorithm for analysis of tumor DNA reveals mutations previously not found


At Hartwig we “analyse sequenced tumor DNA”. This is something we try to continuously improve. These analyses are shared with …

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From biopsy to patient report

From biopsy to patient report


The comprehensive DNA test can provide patients with cancer with more opportunities for treatment. Using the technique of Whole Genome …

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What does Hartwig Medical Foundation do?

What does Hartwig Medical Foundation do?


Hartwig Medical Foundation is a unique initiative that makes possible progress in the research of treatment of cancer in the …

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