Whole genome sequencing

Screening for T cells that already fight the tumor: Hartwig’s pipeline in practice 

Screening for T cells that already fight the tumor: Hartwig’s pipeline in practice 


By Laura Nederveen   In the search for more effective cancer treatments, Alena Gros and her team at Vall d’Hebron Institute …

In search of the optimal treatment strategy for glioblastoma 

In search of the optimal treatment strategy for glioblastoma 


Patients with recurrent glioblastoma have an unfavorable outlook and few treatment options. The recently launched GLOW study should change this …

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma

GLOW: working toward more treatment options for glioblastoma


The outlook for patients with glioblastoma has been unfavorable for years, and treatment options remain limited. That is a reason …

Collaboration for future-proof diagnostics and to accelerate research  

Collaboration for future-proof diagnostics and to accelerate research  


Complete analysis of the DNA of children with cancer offers many possibilities. It maps out all possible targeted treatment options …

22 impactful scientific publications in  2022 

22 impactful scientific publications in 2022 


In 2022, research groups from all over the world published 22 scientific papers in which data from the Hartwig Medical …

Whole genome sequencing is reliable, has added value, and can be embedded perfectly into everyday pathology diagnostics

Whole genome sequencing is reliable, has added value, and can be embedded perfectly into everyday pathology diagnostics


Source: website Netherlands Cancer Institute With the rapidly expanding tableau of (increasingly tumor-agnostic) targeted therapies, genome-driven cancer care has become …

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction


Imagine a world in which each person’s cancer is treated with a personalised, targeted medical treatment regimen. A world in …

Complete DNA analysis for young adults with cancer

Complete DNA analysis for young adults with cancer


KWF finances the expansion of the infrastructure for cancer research in young adults with almost 4.5 million euros. These are …

Single WGS analysis of metastases is sufficient in most cases

Single WGS analysis of metastases is sufficient in most cases


DNA analysis of the tumor is of crucial importance to determine treatment options for patients with metastasized lung cancer. But …

Actionable metastatic cancer genome is remarkably stable over time, despite treatment with drugs

Actionable metastatic cancer genome is remarkably stable over time, despite treatment with drugs


A one-time analysis of the entire tumor DNA is almost always sufficient to find all DNA errors that may be …

ASCO 2021: Presentations about whole genome sequencing

ASCO 2021: Presentations about whole genome sequencing


At the congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on 4-8 June 2021 researchers Kris Samsom and Luuk …

New CPoC grant awarded: GLOW – GLioblastoma targeted treatment Option maximisation by WGS

New CPoC grant awarded: GLOW – GLioblastoma targeted treatment Option maximisation by WGS


Oncode Institute has announced that the 13th grant within the Clinical Proof of Concept programme has been awarded. Oncode Investigator …

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From biopsy to patient report

From biopsy to patient report


The comprehensive DNA test can provide patients with cancer with more opportunities for treatment. Using the technique of Whole Genome …

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What does Hartwig Medical Foundation do?

What does Hartwig Medical Foundation do?


Hartwig Medical Foundation is a unique initiative that makes possible progress in the research of treatment of cancer in the …

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